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/ Verify your first domain identity

2 min read

Verify your first domain identity

Learn how to verify your domains in order to send signed emails and pass spam checks

In this guide you will learn about how to add and verify domain identities. Verified domain identities are an important step for sending trusted emails via Amazon SES. Amazon SES can add several security headers to your emails which allow you to pass spam checks in your recipients' inboxes. To learn more about the available security protocols, read through this guide.

Adding domain identities

Start by navigating to the AWS identities section and then to the Domains section. From there click on the Add Domain button in the upper right corner:

Screenshot of the domain identities section in Semplates that highlights the add domain button.

In the dialog type in domain that you want to verify and make sure the protocols that you want to add are checked. For this guide, we assume that you want to add all available protocols (recommended), DKIM and Mail From Records. When you are done, click the Add Domain button:

Screenshot of the domain identities dialog in Semplates that demonstrates the add domain dialog.

Your domain should be added to the list of verified domains. Click on the DNS record symbol to display the relevant DNS records:

Screenshot of the domain identities dialog that shows some DNS records.

Types of DNS Records

There are three types of records that can be added:

  • Sending Status: Used to signal ownership of the domain to Amazon SES. You need to add these records, in order to add sending identities from that domain. Adding sending identities is covered in the next guide.
  • DKIM Status: The DomainKeys Identified Mail protocol is used to add a signature to your outgoing emails that is used verify that the outgoing mail is coming from the displayed sender. It's a security measurement against spam and phishing attacks.
  • SPF: The Sender Policy Framework is another protocol that is used to verify your sending server. It is used to guard against spoofing attacks.

Best Practice: Make sure to add all of the available DNS records. This gives you the maximum level of security and will allow your mails to pass most inbox security checks.

Adding the DNS records to your DNS settings:

Make sure to add all DNS records according to your DNS settings. If it does not work right away, you can check this guide in the official SES documentation to troubleshoot your settings.

Verifying your domains:

Next, you should check if the verification has worked by clicking on the Refresh button in the upper right corner. Once your identity is verified, all DNS record icons should be filled:

Screenshot of the domain identities dialog in Semplates that shows verified domain records.

Continue the setup

That's it! You almost completed the setup. Finish it by:


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