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/ Create, review & send your first template

2 min read

Create, review & send your first template

Understanding the workflow of creating templates with Semplates

Now it's time to create your first template. In this guide you will learn about the workflow of Semplates. Semplates allows you to design templates via the Template editor, then review them in Template review and finally send yourself (or your colleagues) an email to test your designs under real conditions. Let's go through this process step-by-step:

Designing Templates

For the purpose of this guide (demonstrating the workflow), we will use one of the preexisting template designs. To do so navigate to the Templates section and then from there on the Template starters section:

Screenshot of the template starters section

Choose a template from the gallery of starters, give it a name and a subject and click the Create template button:

Screenshot of the create template dialog

The Template Editor will open. The editor is at the heart of Semplates and has many exciting features. For a full discussion of Template design possibilities head over to the Template design section of the documentation pages. For now let's assume you finished designing your template and want to preview it next. For this first hit the Save button in the upper right corner:

Screenshot of the template editor section

Once you have saved your template, you can publish those changes. This logic allows you to update, save and test designs before pushing those changes to Amazon SES. For now don't publish your changes, but use the Preview button to navigate to the Template preview:

Screenshot of the template editor section with highlighted preview button

Reviewing your design

In the Template preview section you can review your designs. You can check the Subject Line and the Preheader text (both editable via the More menu in the Template Editor) in the upper part of the screen. And you can review your template design in mobile and desktop view mode:

Screenshot of the template preview section with desktop mode

Screenshot of the template editor section with mobile mode

The Template preview also allows you to set data placeholders. You can find out more about that functionality here.. For now assume you like your design and want to perform a final test next.

Sending a templated email

Once you are happy with your template designs you can send a test mail to a recipients inbox. For that click on the Send button in the upper right corner of the screen. In the dialog insert one or multiple email addresses (separated by blanks or commas), hit enter and press the Send button:

Screenshot of the template sending dialog

Setup completed

That's it! You have successfully set up your Semplates account and are now ready to create powerful email templates for AWS SES. Head over to the Template design guides to learn about Semplates' template design functionalities.


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