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/ Features and usage with multiple AWS Accounts

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Features and usage with multiple AWS Accounts

Discover all the features of Semplates by connecting multiple AWS accounts

Multi-Account and Multi-Region Management in Semplates


Semplates facilitates seamless management and deployment of AWS Simple Email Service (SES) templates across multiple AWS accounts and regions, eliminating the need for command-line operations. This functionality is critical for various use cases including SaaS development and agency operations. This document details the process and benefits of using Semplates for managing AWS SES templates across multiple AWS accounts or regions.

Connecting Multiple AWS Accounts or Regions

With Semplates, connecting multiple AWS accounts or different regions within a single AWS account is straightforward. Once connected, you can manage your SES templates across all linked accounts and regions. The steps for connecting AWS accounts or regions are as follows:

  1. Log in to Semplates: Navigate to Semplates login page and enter your credentials.

  2. Access the AWS Account/Region Connection Interface: From the dashboard, navigate to the 'AWS Account/Region Connection' section.

Account Overview of AWS Accounts connected within Semplates

  1. Add New AWS Account or Region:
    • Click on the ‘Add AWS Account’ button.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to input the required AWS account credentials and select the desired region within your existing AWS account.

Dialog to connect AWS Account with Semplates

Use Case Scenarios

SaaS Development

In a SaaS development setup, it's typical to have multiple environments such as development, staging, and production. Semplates simplifies the movement of SES templates across these environments, as illustrated below:

Create Template in Development Account:

Within Semplates, select your development AWS account and create the required email template for a new feature. Create a new Template within your Semplates Account

Promote Template to Staging/Production:

Once the feature is complete and ready for testing or deployment, copy the template to the staging or production environment with just a couple of clicks. You have two possibilities to do so:

  • Duplicate the template to your production account Duplicate an AWS SES template from Development to Production account within Semplates
  • Promote from within the Template Editor: Save to all accounts button within Semplates

Edit and Update Template:

Any subsequent edits required on the template, such as fixing typos, can be done directly within Semplates, saving it as a draft, and then promoting it to AWS SES with a single click once ready. Publish a Template to all AWS Accounts that are connected with Semplates

Agency Email Management

For agencies managing emails for multiple clients, Semplates significantly simplifies the process:

  1. Connect Client AWS Accounts: Connect all your client AWS accounts to Semplates, allowing for centralized template management.

  2. Switch Between Accounts and Update Templates: Easily switch between different client accounts and manage or update email templates as required.

Cross-Account and Cross-Region Template Publication

Semplates has a feature that enables the saving or publishing of a template across all connected AWS accounts or regions simultaneously. This feature is especially useful when a uniform email template update is required across different accounts or regions.

  1. Access Template Editor: Navigate to the template editor within Semplates.

  2. Save or Publish Template: Once your template is ready, use the ‘Save to All Accounts’ or ‘Publish to All Accounts’ feature to update all connected AWS accounts or regions with the new template (as described in detail above).

  3. Verify Template Update: Switch between the connected accounts or regions to verify the template update.


With Semplates, managing your AWS SES templates across multiple accounts or regions becomes a straightforward and time-saving task. The capability to easily switch between accounts, promote templates to different environments, and publish templates across all connected accounts or regions significantly enhances workflow efficiency.

For further assistance, feel free to contact our support at or check out other sections of our documentation for more detailed instructions on various features and functionalities.


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