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- 3 min read

Understanding AWS SES Pricing for Efficient Email Campaigns

A comprehensive guide to AWS SES pricing to help you optimize costs and maximize the efficiency of your email campaigns.

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) has a pricing model that's designed to cater to a range of email sending needs, whether you're a small business or a large enterprise. Understanding this pricing structure can help you optimize your costs and maximize the efficiency of your email campaigns. The service is pay-as-you-go, meaning you only pay for what you use, with no minimum fees or mandatory service usage, thus providing flexibility and transparency.

Taking Advantage of the AWS SES Free Tier

The AWS SES Free Tier allows users to send up to 62,000 outbound emails per month for free when sent from an Amazon EC2 instance or AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Additionally, the free tier also covers 1,000 inbound messages per month. However, this benefit does not apply to emails sent via SMTP Relay. Furthermore, data transfer costs, add-on features and EC2 data transfer fees are still applicable even within the free tier. Understanding how to leverage the free tier can help reduce your initial email marketing costs.

The Flexibility of Pay-as-you-go Pricing

Beyond the free tier, AWS SES uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, offering flexibility to businesses with varying email volumes. The costs involve factors like the number of emails sent and received, the amount of data sent, and the number of dedicated IPs. Outbound emails from non-EC2 instances and beyond the 62,000 free tier limit cost $0.10 per 1,000 emails and $0.12 for each GB of attachments sent. Inbound emails beyond the 1,000 free tier limit cost $0.10 per 1,000 emails and $0.09 for every 1,000 incoming email chunks. It's important to understand these factors when budgeting for your email campaigns.

Navigating Data Transfer Costs with AWS SES

Data transfer costs can add up, especially for businesses sending large volumes of emails. AWS SES charges for data transfer in and out of the service, beyond the first gigabyte each month. For instance, if you were to send 250,000 emails per month with a size of 32KB each, the cost for outgoing mail data would be roughly $0.96. Knowing how these costs are calculated can help you manage your budget more effectively.

Understanding the Costs of Dedicated IPs

Dedicated IPs can improve the deliverability of your emails, but they come at an additional cost. Standard dedicated IPs cost $24.95 per month per IP and managed dedicated IPs cost $15 per month per account. There are additional costs depending on the volume of emails, with decreasing costs as the volume increases. Understanding this pricing structure can help you assess when it could be beneficial to invest in dedicated IPs for your email campaigns.

Delving Deeper into AWS SES Pricing

For a comprehensive understanding of the AWS SES pricing model, it's worth taking some time to explore the official AWS SES Pricing page. Here, you'll find detailed information on all aspects of AWS SES costs, including not just the aspects covered in this blog post, but also additional factors like inbound email costs, receipt rule sets, and more. It also includes examples of pricing calculations for different email volumes and use cases, which can be a valuable tool for estimating your own AWS SES costs.


Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a flexible and affordable solution for businesses looking to manage their email campaigns. By understanding its pricing model, businesses can optimize their email marketing costs and maximize the return on their investment. Whether you're just starting out or you're an established business, understanding AWS SES pricing can help you make the most of this powerful email service, while Semplates can help you design stunning email templates.

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